Kick off
Do you need to open the season with a bang or a flying start on a new project? We arrange kick-offs with only one thing in mind: to spread enthusiasm and big smiles – so you get the kick you need to boost your performance and deliver top results.
It is up to you whether you want to be involved in making the arrangements or you want us to take control of everything from planning to implementation. We have been arranging all kinds of kick-offs for over ten years, and we can quickly find solutions that work. So, whether you already have a great idea or want us to put together a complete package, we have plenty of tricks up our sleeve to meet your expectations – and beyond.

A kick-off that produces results
The secret behind a perfect kick-off is to combine content and experiences in a way that ensures everyone will remember it for a long time. The key is to find the ideal balance for precisely your people and your company. Whether you want to prioritise professional input, team building or an awe-inspiring party experience, we have people in house who are experts in exactly that.
Get the perfect start – anywhere
Is it best to stay local? Or is it time for a trip abroad? Ophelix has offices in Oslo, Arendal, Bergen, and Stockholm, and we arrange kick-offs from Svalbard in the north to Kristiansand in the south. As specialists in both event and travel planning, we also have extensive experience with kick-offs abroad – whether you want to visit the Baltics, Barcelona or Brazil. And if you cannot meet in person, we offer virtual events!

Kick-offs in all price ranges
Everyone has a different budget to work with, and price always matters. That’s why we always present alternatives in different price ranges. That way, you can gain a quick overview of the best solution for your budget.
No matter what kind of kick-off you are looking for, we never give up until everything has been choreographed down to the smallest detail, which is why we always take the time to find out exactly who you are – and not least what you want to achieve. Only then can we be sure that we have put together the very best solution for you. Contact us today for an informal chat about your kick-off!